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Ready to unlock your full potential and step into your unapologetic femininity?

  • Do you want to stop feeling like you’re aimlessly watching your life pass by? 

  • Do you want to let go of proving and people-pleasing?

  • Do you want to step into your unapologetic self, own that and create impact from there?

  • Do you want to overcome obstables and fulfill cherished goals and dreams?

  • Do you want a structured, well-planned and transformational approach to 'unblock' yourself, create alignment between who you are and what you do in life and work and experience greater happiness and performance?

I serve ambitious women who want to become their unshakable selves, want to face their self-doubting voices head-on and are in a phase of transition; in need of change, getting a new job, stepping into leadership, stepping into motherhood, getting back to work, balancing roles of life, moving to another country, gaining clarity about what’s next. 

I support women to not let their fear diminish their powerful impact and strengthen their resilience in dealing with challenges. My purpose is to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life in order to unleash your full potential and live a more fulfilled and empowered life.



I hold you naturally creative, resourceful and whole which means I don’t believe you are there to be ‘fixed’ but are completely capable of finding your own answers to whatever challenges you face. I will support you, process with you, challenge you, see you and hear you. I’ll ask you thought-provoking questions, listen, activate and empower to elicit the skills and creativity you already possess, rather than instruct and advise. We will deal and shift what holds you back especially as we know that the bigger the dream or vision, the louder our internal limiting voices become and learn new patterns to move you forward.


Our coaching supports internal shifts giving way to external changes. From strengthening your self-awareness, I encourage you to be daring and act on your discoveries and make choices that differ from the ones you made before. Every time, you’ll be surprised by the unexpected results from making new choices. The surprising results will encourage you to expand your self-perception, nudging the process of self-growth in an ever-spiraling and transformational motion.


"There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish", Michelle Obama


I’ve created two different coaching packages for you

Forest Road
Path on the Water


+/- 6 MONTHS


Explore if coaching is for you with no-strings-attached? 

A free chemistry session of 60 minutes for everyone interested in the coaching packages. We’ll talk through your current situation and your desired results. This gives you to the opportunity to get familiarized with the concept of coaching and to ask any question you may have in order to determine whether or not coaching with me is right for you, at this time.


+/- 4 MONTHS

Discovery session of 2 hours + 5 break-through sessions of 1 hour

The Focused & Fierce Coaching package is perfect for individuals who, following the initial Discovery session, realize that their challenges stem from one specific area of their life. Whether you’re looking to change career, dealing with a specific challenge at work, move to a different country or perhaps you want to work on your personal relationships, this package is for you.

Discovery session of 2 hours + 7 break-through sessions of 1 hour +

1 follow-up session

The Expand & Empower Coaching package is ideal for individuals who require a little more care and accountability to enable them to stay connected to themselves and their long-term goals. It’s also ideal for those who, following the initial Discovery session, feel as if they need to restructure their general approach to several areas of their life as opposed to just one.

The follow-up session will take place a couple of weeks after our final breakthrough session, once you’ve had the chance to apply the things you’ve learned to your daily life. We’ll use it to evaluate your progress and ensure that you have plans in place to help you stay on track and move forward with confidence and conviction as opposed to fear and hesitation.

What clients say

Winnie, Zambia

I started getting coached by Angélique when I was deeply struggling with self sabotage. I needed to rediscover myself and how to confront my self-sabotage. One the amazing things I enjoy is realizing my inner power and potential and to be bold and courageous in pursuing my dreams.


Step-by-step results-based approach

  1. In a free Chemistry Session you experience coaching, we explore the connection between you and me in order for the coaching relationship to become a powerful collaboration.

  2. Thereafter, we will determine personalized coaching goals and we’ll draft a coaching agreement. 

  3. Subsequently, in the Discovery Session we will build greater self-awareness where you are in life, put order in goals and connect to purpose and values. We will do a guided self- exploration during the Discovery Session wherein there is a focus on your inner resources such as values, life purpose, the wheel of life, talents, inner saboteurs etc. Prior to your Discovery Session you fill in a deep-dive questionnaire to think about where you are now and what you envision for yourself. This awareness is the key to turn potential into powerful actions. 

  4. In the following coaching sessions, we will focus on experiencing and putting actions into practice. We will keep a continuous focus on the coaching agenda aligned with the coaching goals. 

  5. We will wrap-up every session by determining specific personalized action points. After the chosen number of months, you will not only have reached your goals but you will fully trust your own power and feel continuously capable of creating the life and relationships you truly desire.


If you are ready to dive deep into your unapologetic self I am ready to coach you wherever you are in this world


Do you feel it is time for change?

Then request a Chemistry Session below.  In this free session of 60 minutes you get a first taste of coaching with me, we explore our connection together and determine whether working together is the best fit for you.

Thanks for submitting!

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