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Testimonials: Testimonials

Being coached by Angélique is like being brought along a journey. She prepares you with all the tools you need to confront the uphill battles and celebrate the smooth terrain. Once the pace is set, you realize you never want to stop walking. By creating a safe space that is carefully attuned to needs, Angélique helped me recognize saboteurs I did not know I had, and helped me identify and name powerful allies within. What was most transformative was reaching a level of mindfulness, empathy and understanding for myself that I can tap back into at all times. And this is exactly Angelique's strength: artfully guiding the way until you can guide yourself. I highly recommend Angelique to anyone looking for an empowering, enlightening and life-altering journey toward self-development.


Growing with Angelique within the culture she creates was all-around enriching, enlightening and fulfilling. Through the Mental Fitness programme I have gained clarity on my saboteurs and sage powers, and I now approach life and decision making with significantly more intention. I am also grateful to have met some incredible women throughout the journey, as learning and growing has taken a whole new meaning having done it together. I emerged with a clearer view of what matters to me in the next leg of life’s journey, and with an incredible view of other women’s journeys and strength that will serve as continuous inspiration.


I feel more confident about my life and my life choices than ever. During the sessions Angélique has offered me the safe space I needed to face my wounds and guided me towards my power, through helping me to become more aware of my flaws and my talents and accept all of them. She paid attention to details and small changes in my energy to bring up insights I was never aware of. Angélique has a special talent at understanding where my power and strengths lie through understanding of the person as a whole. I was particularly happy with her skills at making me see beauty in my flaws through a simple but attentive choice of words and this is what gave me most courage and confidence to go after my goals. I warmly recommend Angelique to anyone who is seeking to bring a positive change in her / his life or achieve specific goals.


Angélique is a great coach who is involved and driven to not only get the best out of you, but mostly to let yourself see that you are valued because you are you. She doesn't give you answers, but helps you to find your own answers by asking the right questions. Furthermore, she used several meditation techniques to get to deeper levels which I was not able to reach by myself. The coaching sessions brought me more confidence and more awareness, which resulted in me being fully empowered in my current role both at my work as in my private atmosphere. Bringing in line my thoughts, emotions, physical conditions, personality with my actions is something what I've learned and still apply each day.


The Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp program helped me a lot in taking more control over my own emotions, saboteurs and helping thoughts and it completely focussed on having a sustainable results. Angélique is a fantastic coach who helps you diving deep into your true self. Result is creating more impact in my daily life and feeling happy just by being my authentic self. This is the third time I worked with Angélique as a coach. I think she is a very inspiring and authentic person, especially in the way how she appreciates everything around her.


I started getting coached by Angélique when I was deeply struggling with self sabotage. I needed to rediscover myself and how to confront my self-sabotage. They were many voices that were speaking into my life, my saboteurs. Working with Angélique has made me to be aware of those inner saboteurs and to know which one is speaking at a time but also I now know hoe to deal with them. One the amazing things I enjoy is realizing my power and potential and to be bold and courageous as I pursue my dreams especially with the use of visualization and by having an archetype. I therefore strongly recommend Angélique not only for being a good coach but also for being a professional. I have been coached by a few other coaches but my journey with Angélique is so unique that I can't explain the growth in me; I stick to my boundaries and have made a beautiful transition in my life just by dealing with my saboteurs of which I wasn't aware of before. Some other coaches want to mold you in a way but Angélique allows you to find you and own that. That is a beautiful experience.


I truly appreciate the Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp. I have developed a deeper appreciation for myself and I learned how to love myself and in turn empathise with others. I felt heard, seen and that I mattered and was deserving of better. I felt supported throughout, I felt like you were always there whenever needed. I am so thankful I met you!

South Africa

The Women Empowerment Kick-Start is a life-changing program which gave me a renewed sense of purpose, helped me to become “unstuck” and gave me the motivation to follow my dreams and see myself in a new light. Angelique’s ability as a coach to allow us to find the answers on our own by facilitating a program which allowed us to do just that was fundamental in the success of this course. Her open and non-judgmental manner made me feel so at ease when showing my vulnerability and sharing during the course. The way I feel following the course is what makes me realize what an incredible coach you are Angelique. Angelique enabled me through this course to find a renewed confidence in my strengths and to follow my dreams in interior design. A passion I felt I was not worthy of having before completing this course. This course made me re-evaluate my values and begin to truly live by them. It allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and enjoy life in the moment. It has freed me from the negative voices that consumed me on a daily basis telling me I wasn't good enough and allowed me to become the best version of myself. Thank you will never be enough!


During my individual coaching with Angélique I discovered the most powerful asset of Angélique is that she really noticed what I needed and what tools or insights would bring me any further in my professional career and personal growth. She asked the right questions and clearly listened to everything I said because she recalled things I said in the first session and brought them up sessions later. I got to know Angélique as a skilled observer and questioner with a unique and balanced combination of being patient and observing and being motivational and assertive at the same time. I’m proud of the things I discovered and learned thanks to Angélique and therefore so thankful to be coached by Angélique.


The Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp coaching program that I was fortunate to participate in a year later, made the impact it did mainly because of the role Angélique played in it. As a coach, she is fully present, pro-active and motivated to facilitate all that I needed. She was always full of energy and eagerness to support me in finding answers, insights AND inspiring challenges. Angélique was of great value to me because she is incredibly resourceful and always finds a new way to let me see what I needed to see. Angélique's coaching had a profound impact on me and the most valuable is that I am certain that the results will have a long lasting effect.


The impact of the Women Empowerment Kick-Start is that I am more myself and that I realized that I am capable of doing more than I thought and activated me to follow my dreams. I value myself more which has motivated me to be myself which also has a good impact on how I lead my life in society. This program has supported me in starting my new journey in starting my NGO in Rwanda. What I appreciated the most was being among other women in the group, the connection we had and being listened to without judgment. This program helps you to explore yourself, discover who you truly are as a person, what you’re capable of and leads you to your dreams. The biggest ‘aha’ moment was when I noticed my inner saboteurs and sage. I felt like getting the keys to all my closed doors and being in control. The result is being kinder to myself, being supported by others in following my dreams and becoming the person I want to be. Angélique is a coach who knows how to help people to discover themselves with a very well structured program from a place of love and kindness. She is a good listener as a group coach and every individual in the group felt being heard, valued and connected at the same time.


The Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp has made a big impact in life in so many good ways; mentally, physically and socially I feel like I have more control and I am a much happier person in a way because I really know who I am. Being myself and loving myself more brought so much kindness and love to others too. I felt supported by the coach during the program as I always felt being heard emotionally, which helped me to open up. Angélique is a good listener with always healing and motivational messages but most of all,  I discovered so much about myself naturally by just being guided by the coach.


The Women Empowerment Kick-Start has been a journey of self-discovery with two components. One is a genuine and vulnerable group of ladies who made me feel safe and accepted. Another is Angélique who was patient and probing, gave me the right questions, tools and weekly challenges, created the right kind of space and time that allowed me to think and process. Through this program, I have learned to pay attention to my body and realized how strong it is and how much more it can take. I have learned about my mind with its numerous thoughts flying around it, that it needs some quiet time and rest. I have also learned to touch base with my heart, what is still important to it, what has changed and what it wants out of life. This program has helped me to start my journey. I know I have a lot to discover, decide and take action in the near future. I'm feeling more aware, awake, energized, and empowered. Thank you for all this, couldn't and wouldn't have done this without the program.


The Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp has helped me to really examine my attitudes and actions in ways I've never done before. Through her patient and wise probing, Angélique enabled me to be more self-aware. She also provided me with tools and challenges that gave me greater self-knowledge and helped me to really assess whether I was living according to the values that I espouse. There were scary moments throughout my journey but there were also lots of small and big triumphs. I feel like she helped me to remove the 'plaster' so that I can be me!


The Women Empowerment Kick-Start program has helped me to focus on the individual aspects of myself which challenged and impacted me to realise the answers to some of the internal questions I had before the program. Something I appreciated with this program was that it gave everyone a chance to explain and elaborate without feeling stressed and that you got feedback and help from the coach and your peers. If I would explain this program to someone who is thinking of doing this I would explain to them that it is a very good program with very good coaching where nothing is right or wrong, but that the individual has to be able to let go and loosen their fear of sharing their challenges. A very “aha” moment was the realisation that no matter the age, education, living standards, future, past, I realised that we all have our challenges and difficulties that create a downfall in our lives. This program has contributed with different coaching aspects to help us stop, think and reflect on what I want but in a selfless way. As a coach you saw and listened to everyone's challenges to find and guide the person to their goals and the sessions was very well planned out.


I met Angélique when I participated in a traineeship of Rabobank. During this time, I met different coaches, but Angélique was by far the most inspiring. When Angélique enters the room, she brings a lot of energy with her that is contagious to others. What I remember the most is the power of Angélique to activate people in a natural way. She responds constantly and effectively to any input participants bring and supports and challenges them in keeping their mind focused on the goals they set. Furthermore, she is like a mirror and reflects on what the consequences can be of one’s behavior. Knowing yourself and keeping the focus on your qualities is what makes you distinctive. Angélique really puts her energy on unfolding the driving forces of people and how to translate and put these forces into practice.


Angélique is a sympathetic and empathic person who will handle vigorously at the exact right moment. Angélique is capable of finding your personal essence of development. She helped me with the start of my career at Rabobank. I learned a lot and this will help me for the rest of my life. I was specifically impressed with all different and alternative methods Angélique uses to find your true passion and feelings.


I have met Angelique when I was stuck (in a way) and was searching for my strengths in order to make my next moves. I loved our sessions with Angélique, which in the beginning almost always started with me (who is always on the run) calming down. In this quiet state, I have learned to see my strong sides and listen to what I really like doing and what I want to be moving towards. These sessions contributed greatly for me to feel empowered, motivated, and dare to move forward. Angelique is a very skilled coach and a good listener, who from day one was able to create a bond and trust needed to work further.


I started my journey with Angélique as a coach in the Female Empowerment Kickstart program. The program was very inspiring and gave me good insights into my qualities and beliefs. During the program, I saw that all women in the group were very different, yet we learned so much from each other. Afterwards, most of us continued with the Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp. This has been an amazing and eye-opening, and sometimes quite tough, journey for me. I learned about my internal strengths, and how they can either motivate me or sabotage me in reaching my goals. The group sessions, contact moments in between and individual coaching sessions all contributed to this experience. Angélique has been supportive, energetic, inspiring and motivating in every way she could. I truly felt her whole heart is in these programs and she gets the best out of everyone. Even within a group, she manages to give everyone support at their own pace and let everyone grow, develop and shine in their own ways. She definitely brought some magic into my life. 


I took several attempts to live my life with less stress and more positivity, including a women leadership course, a strength assessment, and I read books on the subject. But it wasn’t until Angèlique’s Women Mental Fitness Bootcamp that I came to understand what held me back to reach my goals. And, more importantly, how I could break these barriers. I love that the program is 20% focused on insights and 80% on doing and uses a proven methodology. Angèlique was instrumental to the positive impact, I am still impressed by the depth and safe space she created in each session. I definitely recommend this program to my friends and think it would be a gift to anyone. After all, it makes so much sense that our mental fitness is just as or maybe even more important than our physical fitness.


Major impact I have had through this program is being able to reduce my anxiety, embrace the unknown and live my daily life with joy and happiness. connect with family and friends, being more present, really listening to them and surrounding myself with positive energy. Being more independent and productive. It has also taught me how to overcome difficult situations in life, be more fulfilled and whole. To reevaluate my values and my life purpose. The coaching and guidance provided in this program allowed me to dig deep figure out who I really am and it has showed me what a strong, determined and resilient women I am with so much potential. It is truly been a game changer! It has been an awakening, a revelation! I am so greatful for the opportunity and it is truly so inspiring and satisfying.


I am truly grateful for having embarked on this journey with Angélique. With her enthusiastic and empathic personality she created a safe space and atmosphere to allow for deep reflections and helped me to initiate change where needed and ready. Along the way she is at your side and has this wonderful ability to push more, dig deeper where needed and let stand, allow silence where needed. The insights from these sessions and the tools acquired to navigate difficult situations have been transformational. I am truly grateful!


Unexpectedly -but likely not coincidentally- as I was taking this course, doors that had been closed for many years in my life opened up both career and personal wise. I have been able to embrace these challenges which seemed initially very big and take a leap of faith into myself that I would've otherwise lacked the courage to do so.I have finished projects which had been left mid-way for a long time and I have come to terms with decisions that I had been feeling not wholly at ease about. I have been able to better understand how I work and identify my inner detractors so I can take decisions more efficiently and effectively.


This program made me become aware that I am not my negative thoughts and that my real self is separate from my negative thoughts. I have gained insight where those thoughts come from and how I can act more from my real and true self. I have experienced the guidance of Angélique as very valuable. She has a lot of knowledge, keeps asking questions, is a great listener, puts me in action mode and shows her vulnerability. The structure of the program is fixed, however Angélique really focuses on the individual needs and provides tailor-made sessions.


Angélique establishes a secure space, allowing you to authentically express yourself. She remains fully engaged, intuitively connecting with your senses, thoughts and emotions. Leveraging her profound understanding of the PQ and beyond, she translates her expertise into tangible tools that significantly impact your daily life, making her an exceptional coach! 


Angélique as a coach means actively engaging with yourself. This involves using your heart, body, gut, and intuition, and working on concrete (often uncomfortable) assignments during and between sessions. Angélique mirrors, summarizes, is resourceful with tasks, and always with the knowledge that she has your back. This instills confidence and has activated me. As a result, I consciously reflect and act more on what I want, experience more peace, and thus have a greater impact.


The coaching journey has completely overwhelmed me, in the most positive sense of the word. Angélique has provided me with all the guidance and tools to see my own power again and to be able to trust an build upon it. I am once again connected with myself and have become aware of the barriers that prevent me from being my authentic self. Angélique is extremely skilled, authentic, and above all, a very kind person. From the very first moment, she created a safe environment in which I could show my vulnerabilities. I am immensely grateful to her for this amazing journey! 


I am grateful to have had Angélique as my coach. Her grounding personality, passion, integrity and holistic approach to coaching helped put me in touch with my values and discover my purpose in life. I believe her name speaks for itself - she truly is an angel who helped put me in touch with my true self and for that I will be forever grateful! 


Thanks for a journey towards a deep source of the energy, synergy with self and source of Life. I was amazed to unlock the power that ‘soma’ possesses - it was a true discovery in this deep work with Angélique. In the most turbulent times that life brought to me, you were there to support - with all wisdom, acceptance and unlimited heart-warmth. I will never forget the tremendous support you've granted, Angélique! Thank you for making me see an inner self-shine. Thank you for true magic where one can evolve, and find the road to authentic self


I've been a mom and spouse for so long that I had forgotten how to be myself and take care of my own needs. I've learned about my weaknesses—how to acknowledge and overcome them—and my strengths. The most important lesson I've taken with me is that I am my own limitation; I have to be fearless and pursue what I’ve decided


Angelique's program has been life changing for me, without any exaggeration. I have been recommending it to my friends enthusiastically every chance I've gotten. As an entrepreneur, a mother, and just generally, an adult navigating life, it is rare for me to take the time to take care of myself, and this program has empowered me to do that at a deep level. Sure, a spa day is self care too, but this experience has way longer lasting effects. It has helped me understand myself, be kinder to myself, and have a clearer sense of purpose. You should sign up!


The self-care coaching program 'Fearless Femme' with Angélique has been truly transformative for me. With her guidance and support, I was able to identify and confront the negativity in my life, uncovering deeper insights into my thought patterns and behaviours. Being in group sessions with two other women and hearing their stories and paths was highly enriching. Angélique has navigated my journey of self-discovery and growth, raising quite some personal challenges (that I didn't know existed). I am grateful for the clarity, inner peace and balance it has brought into my life. 


Angélique is a emphatic, inspiring and very professional coach. I truly enjoyed the entire journey we did together, it helped me to better understand my needs, my values and how to best use my energy and time wisely, taking into consideration my life purpose and personal situation. Time management and sparing some time for self is challenging as a working mom of 3 and Angélique gave me very helpful and practical guidance on how to overcome  my barriers and bottlenecks


Thank you Angélique for this challenging yet insightful program. I've learned a lot about myself. I learned to be a proudly vulnerable person and no longer hide my tears. I've also learned how to challenge myself with concrete action items that push me out of my comfort zone. Angélique is a wonderful and energetic coach, guiding me throughout the program. I felt that the program was really well-organised and provided the space for growth and connection with others.


I am truly grateful for having spent time with Angélique this year. First, her ability to create a safe space and understand my needs, reading my reactions on the screen (even the ones I am not aware of myself!) allowed for such an intense and beautiful introspection and dialogue. After each session, I was always looking forward to receiving the written debrief of our session where she captured with depth and impact our conversations and suggested ways for me to keep digging. I always felt Angélique always on my side and by my side, empowering me to discover my driving forces and how I can use them even better at work and in life.

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