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Are you ready to unlock your feminine power and need a fresh kickstart? Then this is your moment!

A 7-week face-2-face group coaching program to put you back in the driver’s seat of your life with other like-minded women of diverse backgrounds. 


Continue reading if... enjoy motherhood but you sense a need to rediscover and reignite the 'YOU' in it.
...your mind keep throwing up roadblocks and it's time to break free. are ready to unleash your impact but you don’t feel 100% confident and/or don’t know where to start

...You are up for a recharge and some well-deserved 'me-time'.

Closeup of unrecognizable black girl in


This coaching program is for you if...

  • you want to get more in tune with your inner compass 

  • you seek clarity on what’s next and your impact 

  • you are eager to overcome self-doubt and cultivate greater confidence

  • you are open to exploring your vulnerability as a catalyst for courage 

  • you enjoy being in a supportive space of women supporting each other! 

Women Holding Hands

“We can’t always choose the music life plays for us, but we can choose how we dance to it”


We start with a full-day hike to step out of your daily routine to get to know each other and reconnect with yourself. Being in nature activates hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin, enhancing focus, reducing stress, clarifying thoughts, facilitating connection to the present moment and sparking creativity and new ideas. 

Following this, we'll have three group coaching sessions aimed at deepening your self-awareness and unleashing your feminine power within a small group of 4-6 like-minded women, all within a safe and supportive environment. 

After a month, we'll do a follow-up session to reflect on your progress in integrating your learnings into your daily life and further deepen your awareness, embodiment, and inner strength. 


You are supported by me through a combination of coaching methods designed to engage your mind, heart, body and intuition, propelling you forward. This also includes peer support, accountability and motivation. 

Women Empowerment Kick-Start: Testimonials
What former participants of this program say
Katie Pic Color .JPG

Katie, South Africa

A life changing program which gave me a renewed sense of purpose, helped me to become “unstuck” and gave me the motivation to follow my dreams and see myself in a new light. Angelique’s open and non-judgmental manner  made me feel so at ease when showing my vulnerability. I find a renewed confidence in my strengths and allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and enjoy life in the moment.

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